Monday, November 8, 2010

Almost four months...

Been a while again, I know. Its hard work this two children parenting gig. (But defiantly worth it.)!

Can you believe that I almost have a 4 month old? Wow, how fast time flies.

Ava is such a breath of girly-ness I don't think I realised how much I wanted a little girl until she came along.

She is smiling and giggling the days away, especially at Charlie, all he has to do is walk and she is in fits of giggles. She is sleeping from around 7.30 until 4.30 in the morning which is such a slice of heaven compared to the boy with who I still struggle on the sleep side of things.

Charlie is great as well, he has been doing private swimming lessons now for a few weeks and is my little fish. We have his interview for school next year tomorrow (scary!!), I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

I hope you are all well xx


Hayley said...

Oh my look at how grown up she is beautiful and looks like her mummy?
Am glad to hear every one is happy and healthy :)

Cat said...

She is so gorgeous and I can't believe how quickly that time has gone. I SO want a girl. :) I'm glad she's such a good sleeper for you. x


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